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● Live • 5:27 PM

You and I lay close in heart
Please save us from being apart
Time ran too fast to feel
your warmth and love
.BYF. i can be rt heavy sometimes, selective fbs, sb to break the mutual, i am not part of any specific subtwt, multifandom, also multishipper and a crackshipper?? if you care. I do keyboard smash a lot, sometimes I tend to forget to answer tweets or messages I'm very sorry, but it's never something personal! I don't mind art requests :oB |
.DNI. MSPEC "LESBIANS", you fit basic dni criteria, proshippers, expect a fb, believe pronouns always equals gender, you're a nsfw account,, rad/lesbofem, think blackwashing is a thing, believe fiction doesn't affect reality, ranfren fans. |

Press the ones with underlines
≡ My interests!!!!
Los Simuladores១ Akira ១ Kaiba (2008) ១ Homestuck ១ Soul eater ១ Dorohedoro ១ MP100 ១ Off ១ Earthbound ១ Hermanos y detectives ១
Superjail ១ Bungou Stray Dogs ១ One Punch Man ១ Everhood១ Boboiboy ១
Love!! ♥
ventriloquist dummies, the color green!!, dirkuu, el cuarteto de nos, June Egbert.. chacarera, mate cocidos

Dislikes ☻
coffee, ranfren, any ship involving June Egbert with men. Well there's not many things i dislike i think